Are you ready to break free from emotional eating and develop a loving relationship with your body?

You've landed in the right place!

I wholeheartedly recognize that you've come here with a deep longing to break free from the grips of emotional eating, to foster a harmonious connection with your body and to restore a foundation of trust in your relationship with food.

My name is Nicole Alyssa, M.A

Associate Marriage & Family Therapist & Emotional Eating Counselor.

Hello beautiful!

Are you ready to break free from emotional eating and develop a loving relationship with your body?

If this is you, congratulations! You’ve landed in the right place.

I believe wholeheartedly you can recover from emotional eating.

All I ask is the willingness to believe it’s possible.

Emotional eating is a signal from your body that the stuffed down feelings are starving to be acknowledged.

This is a journey back home.

The body has a voice, she speaks through sensation, symbol and metaphor. Emotional eating is an inner cry for help, pointing to a deep unmet hunger that lives inside of you. 

This is the work of embodiment. This is a journey of discovering what truly feeds you. 

“Embodiment is a journey of returning to the innate intelligence that lives within you.

Craving a sneak peak into my online programs?

Sign up today and recieve a FREE mindful eating workbook to begin your own self inquiry to discovery the roots beneath your emotional hunger!


  • "The impact that Nicole and her Nourish group have had on my life has been monumental. Although my mind & heart had come leaps & bounds in terms of my food/body relationship, I felt stuck with my physical health not aligning with this narrative. Feeling stuck in the loop of leaning into diet culture, I was finding it difficult to honor what foods my body was truly craving and how to find satisfaction in this process as well. Nicole has offered such valuable insight on every issue that I seem to struggle with and is deeply relatable and sensitively loving in her nature. Nourish hit parts of my heart that go deeper than just food/body relationship, for me it was a process of becoming whole again from the inside out. As soon as I entered the space with my Nourish group, I felt a peace and alignment from within, knowing that my ladies would validate however I was feeling that day and take me as I am. Nourish ignites a fire in your womanhood and allows for connection with like minded women, sharing the same struggles. Nicole and her work are both such great examples of the power of intuitive eating practices. The tools that I gained in Nourish are undoubtedly ones that I will carry with me for the rest of my life!"


  • "Nicole opened up questions for me that I have never reflected on before. Those questions became possibilities, a community of extraordinary women, and a path for true self love. After finishing my program with Nicole, I adopted new rituals and dynamics of self care that have opened up a broader sense of balance and joy. My loneliness is now filled with music, dance, self expression and love. I highly recommend Nicole’s programs to every single Woman out there."



  • "When I first started working with Nicole, I didn’t have much self love and body love.Through our work together I was able to find a passion for self love and eating foods that were healing to my body.Working with Nicole has brought out my feminine strength, a part of me I didn’t know existed. I realized that everything I was seeking through food was already inside of me. Nicole helped me access my own inner resources, to heal my relationship to food and the body. She has been such an inspiration in my life. I am now inspired to eat better, purely out of self love."

    LIVIE V.

  • “I absolutely loved the program. Prior to Nicole's program NOURISH, my relationship with food was a total mess. Nicole provided questions that helped me discover things about my relationships with food and body I never would have known existed. It all made so much sense! She helped me learn how to listen to what my body really needs to feel satisfied. Thanks to her group program, I have significantly decreased my binge eating and my “all or nothing” mindset around food. Thank you so much Nicole!"
